Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I am so thankful that Mini seems to love the beach as much as I do. Let me preface this by saying that I was certified to scuba dive at 12, on a swim team, a lifeguard at 15, and taught swimming lessons shortly after. Will was also on a swim team, a lifeguard at both a pool and the ocean, and his parents live on a boat; thus if Mini didn't like the ocean or the water, we were going to be in a predicament! Luckily, she LOVES the water, the ocean, and the beach, so we are golden!!!
On the walkway to our private beach get-away, which is actually a Public Beach Access that apparently not many people know about, which we LOVE!
Mini enjoying her lunch at the kid's picnic table that Will won!

She decided to get IN her bucket full of water!

Mini met a boy on the beach...hopefully this is not a sign of things to come!

The whole family enjoying the beautiful day in the ocean!


  1. What fun! Cute pictures!

  2. Carrie, you and family are welcome to come any time! Although it is a public beach, it is very private and we LOVE it! There are 20 parking spots, thus it is very private!
