Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Handmade Gifts

My goal this year was to make as many handmade gifts as I could; so far, it's going pretty good. Here are a few I've made in the last 2 months:

A Headband/Bow to Match an Outfit for a Very Special Newborn
A Newborn Onesie Gown Layette
An Itty Bitty Dress for a Newborn using this pattern
A Onesie/Burp-cloth set for a Little One
A first Birthday gift for a "train" themed party
A Bacherlorette Party Gift for the Bride-to-be
A Birthday Gift for a friend who just remodeled her kitchen

26 weeks

Today marks the 26th week. Friday I had a doctor's appointment and everything looks good so far. I had the glucose screening and the screening for the Rh sensitivity, so I should find out the results from those tests sometime this week, but obviously they are assuming that I will need to have another Rhogam shot since Will is rh+ and I required it last pregnancy. At this point I've gained 16 lbs, which I guess is good, but considering they want me to gain between 35-40 lbs, it's going to be a LONG haul! The doctor said that my belly is measuring "well over 30 weeks," which is to be expected with twin pregnancies. At my next appointment in 2 weeks, I will have another ultrasound and I will have an ultrasound once a month from here on out to check for the twins growth. The doctors want to make sure the twins are growing at the same rate and/or within a certain percentage of each other.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Week 25

This week marks 25 weeks. There is nothing new to report really. All is well except for waking up nightly with excruciatingly painful leg cramps, which I never experienced with Mini. I don't like bananas so I've been trying to find potassium in other sources to hopefully help with this problem. Below is the belly picture for this week!
Mini wanted a picture of her belly like mommy's picture!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

24 weeks

This week marks 24 weeks! I am so thankful to have been blessed with such a great pregnancy thus far! I know that everything happens a little faster with the second pregnancy, but whooo mama...my belly is soo different and even multiple bathroom trips at night has started about 10 weeks earlier! After reading my twin pregnancy book, I explained to Will that the babies were going to double in weight in the next four weeks. I told him that I was going to have to purchase some more shirts and he told me to forget the clothes, "we might have to get a bigger house!" He is such a mess!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

23 Weeks

The ultrasound went perfectly, but I've been so busy at work and exhausted at home that I completely neglected to update the blog. Here is the picture of from this week...WOW!
If you notice, I haven't been posting pictures to compare the weeks to the same week last pregnancy...there is good reason! I literally look the same this week that I did when I was 34 weeks pregnant! :o There are just no words! Shirts are starting to become slim pickings in my closet, so eventually I'm going to have to breakdown and buy some more, but I'm going to put it off as long as possible!