Sunday, September 14, 2014

Mother of the Year Strikes Again

Mother of the year strikes again, but it wasn't a complete epic fail.  I seem to have the worst luck with vomiting at the most inopportune time...of course I'm not sure there is ever a good time.  Bella and the boys have thrown up on road trips and in restaurants like it was their job.  I've had to change both myself and my children in public more times then I can count. Today on the way to Will's parents, Kipton started throwing up everywhere in Will's truck.  Literally in the middle of some small town in NC, I proceed to strip my son down to just his diaper while I clean him up.  Then I allow him to sit in the front seat while I throw the seat and all the contents of the back seat on the sidewalk so I can clean the car seat and the truck seat!  Thank goodness I had a change of clothes for Kipton and a hoodie for myself so that I could remove my own vomit covered shirt...because if I'm being completely honest I have left a restaurant with a naked child and a different restaurant in Will's shirt!  Never a dull moment for this clan!

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