Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mini's Big Operation

Today was Mini's big operation...the doctor removed her tonsils and adenoids. He is a fabulous doctor and I would recommend him to anyone and everyone. After the surgery he said that not only were Mini's tonsils big, but that there was lots of scare tissue from multiple infections that proved to be more difficult to cut out; thus I know that we made the right decision!
Here is Mini Pre-Op: Post-op was a different story. Mini kept crying, but I really think it was because of the drugs, because as soon as she got in the car, she was fine...minus the high as a kite look as seen below. I gave Mini a hard time by saying, "you don't make any sense in that you will let someone dig in and around your foot with a knife with just local anesthesia (around Christmas time), but are crying uncontrollably after being put to sleep!" I know that that was probably very mean, but I want her to be a tough cookie like her mommy and daddy!

Below is a picture of my "post-op" child around dinner time...I know she looks like she is really traumatized by her surgery!

I wanted her to have fun with her "soft diet" of pudding!

She is "in LOVE" with the sucker that her Aunt Susan and cousin Cayden gave her for a "get well" present!


  1. SO glad those yucky tonsils are OUT and she's feeling GREAT! :)

  2. We are so happy everything went so well. Apparently that anesthesia does something crazy to our youngins! Owen woke up exactly the same way after his first tubes...crying and really upset for no real reason. I don't quite get it, but the anesthesiologist told me it had something to do with feeling "drunk" and not really understanding why. Anyway, so glad she is feeling OK and so happy to see her smiling face. No more nasty strep now, OK?!?!
