Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thankful Thursday/Super Cooper Giveaway

I am so thankful that my dream of creating things and starting my own business is finally coming true...God has blessed my life so much and I am so thankful. I now have 86 fans on the Miamy Clothing and Accessories facebook page, and have had over 2,000 hits on my blog since February (of course about 500 of those hits are probably from me updating and linking, but shhhhh...we will keep that a secret between you and I)! In celebration of all these wonderful things that I am soooooo excited about, I will be hosting a giveaway of one of my kid's belt, seen below. Note: This is a child's belt and is approximately 26 inches in length. It is a perfect fit for ages 2T-4T. If you are unsure if it will work with your child, measure where the belt would normally sit and then add 3 inches (for children's sizes only).

To enter, simply leave a comment about the blog, the belt, or whatever. I will use random number generator to determine the winner. The giveaway will close at noon on Sunday, June 27th.


  1. Since I don't have any girls, if I win the belt, I plan on giving it to a birthday girl! It is too cute! You have a good thing going here, Amy!

  2. I LOVE my belt! And, I know any little girl would be thrilled to have one :)

    I wanted to tell you that you can actually keep your statcounter from counting your visits/updates/links, etc! It will not count each time you go and make changes or look at your own site. So, if you wanted to get a better idea of your visitors, try that!

    Love you and I am so proud of you!

  3. Amy,
    I am so happy that you have finally been able to get your business going, you will do very well I am sure.
    Miss you, Will and Bella. Hope all is well in Ayden!
    Cindy Clark

  4. Know the perfect little girl who would love it!
