Saturday, April 10, 2010

A Super Cooper Vacation

So we spent our spring break with wonderful friends; this was a trip that was scheduled around Christmas time, but was canceled due to a trip to the Emergency Room Christmas Eve. We left Sunday afternoon for a trip to PA to visit the Voelps. We had a blast spending time with "Ranny," "Be," and "Owie" as Mini calls them. We got to visit some of their local favorites like Lilliputs, Carnegie Science Center, a Pittsburgh Pirates game, and Simply Yogurt. Pictures are soon to come. As always, we loved seeing the Voelps, but goodbyes seem to be especially difficult.

We really had a blast, even though Mini was a little stinky throughout the trip. In true Voelp/Cooper fashion, we always seem to spread the love and the GERMS with each visit; last night when we got home, Mini had a fever of 100, which is not ridiculous, but when combined with the congestion, ear ache complaints, eye gunk, and stinkiness she has had all week, it is either the "terrible twos" or an ear infection. This time, all the blame can be placed on Mini as she was congested prior to the trip, so hopefully if she was carrying something, it will remain with her and not be passed on to "Owie"...we'll see?!

Also in true Cooper fashion, we had several injuries. Whether it is me slipping and falling in water, such as I did at Disney, or the time I literally busted my hind-end snowboarding and still have a bone chip to prove it, Bella followed suite with numerous injuries. The first injury occured when she was just walking and tripped over a railroad tie in the Voelp's front yard and then proceeded to land head first on the concrete driveway! I heard her head hit before I even heard her cry, but luckily minus a little bit of road-rash in her hairline, she was okay. The next injury occurred in the bathroom at the baseball game...she was rubbing the door while I was using the potty and I looked up and she was playing in blood on the door. What????!!!! You can just imagine my panic, because of course I assumed the blood was not hers being that we were in a women's bathroom and she was not crying at all. After scrubbing her down in the sink, I realized that she had somehow slit her finger...who knew such a tiny cut could yield so much blood. The final injury came when she was just walking and ran into a corner of a table with her eye. Luckily there is just a minor scratch and after ice, no black eye. I've learned that unless she says "Boo-boo" over and over it is not a medical emergency, but I'm a little worried that my child might be very accident prone like her mother...let's hope that since she actually drinks milk, she can avoid broken bones.


  1. Poor Bella! I'm so glad you guys had a great trip! I hope Bella's boo-boos go away soon and she feels better!

  2. You so didn't tell me that Bella had a fever when you got home :( I hope she gets to feeling better. And, seriously, she really wasn't THAT stinky. She didn't bother us at all...we just loved having you all here. But, I am guessing the sickness definitely explains why she wasn't exactly herself! Love and miss you all!
