Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I know there are always lots of things to be thankful for, but it is funny how God works and even when you have plans...God has his own plans for you. The things that I am thankful for this week are mostly for other people and God's plans for them!

1. A good friend of mine had some health complications with and after her first pregnancy which resulted in her undergoing radiation. She was told that she would have to wait a long time before she could even think about baby #2; this week she got the "go ahead" from her doctor. God has a plan for her family.
2. Another good friend of mine just landed a perfect job; it allows her to stay at home with her family, but still work and earn money. God has a plan for her family.
3. Another good friend just got engaged this week. Although her mother is not here to see it, I feel sure that she is looking down from heaven smiling at everything she has accomplished and all that she is experiencing for the first time. God has a plan for her family.
4. I feel that my dreams of owning my own business are finally coming true. God has a plan for me and my family.

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