Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sweetest Sounds

I'd like to pose a question tonight. What sound in this world brings you the most joy?

If you would have asked me this question 10 years ago, I would have said hearing the First United Methodist Choir of Mocksville sing. This is of course the choir at my hometown church and they are beyond amazing. Music has always had a special place in my heart and through the years that has not changed.

If you would have asked me this question 5 years ago, I would have said the sound of the ocean. The beach is one of those places where I feel at peace. I love nothing more than closing my eyes, digging my toes and hands into the sand, and listening to waves break upon the shore. I not only feel closer to God at the beach, but I feel closer to my dad. My dad loved the water; he loved to scuba dive. I think 30-90 feet under water was a place that he felt the safest, most at peace, and free. He shared this wonder with me and it meant the world because underwater you are free and protected from the sometimes harsh outside world.

If you would have asked me this question 2 years ago, I would have said the sound of my first child's heartbeat on a fetal monitor or ultrasound. It is a reassuring and comforting sound. what would and will I say? Without any doubt in my mind, the sound that brings me the most joy in all the world is hearing "Mini" laugh and giggle. It is by far the sweetest, most beautiful sound in the world. Her laugh can turn the worse day into the best. Her laugh is like an addiction...I want to hear it all the time nonstop. I set aside at least 30 minutes each afternoon/night to tickle her just so I can hear that infectious laughter.

It's amazing how things have changed. I would love to hear from you about your favorite sounds!


  1. Love your new blog!!! Hope you and your sweet family are doing great!!!

  2. OK, first of all, I love that you are calling her Mini!!! On to your question...

    10 years ago, it was any baby's laugh. There is definitely nothing better in this world that happy babies! There was a commercial that used to come on the radio for Toys R Us that was literally 30 seconds of non-stop baby laughter. I couldn't help but smile when hearing it everytime!! A close second was the sound of baseball cleats on the concrete. I know that sounds weird, but I used to love the sound of the cleats of the boys on my high school baseball team coming to the game, all in a line, ready to play! I know, it's really strange. I was a baseball groupie by default, what can I say?

    5 years ago, it was definitely the roar of the crowd at an ECU football or baseball game. I LOVE that feeling and rush that you get when the crowd is all fired up for the team!

    2 years ago, by far, Owen's heartbeat on the doppler! Like you said, so reassuring and so wonderful knowing there is a healthy little baby growing and developing inside of you. I still love to listen to the recording of his heartbeat all the time :)

    Today, absolutely, positively, MY baby's laugh! 10 years ago, it was any baby's laugh, now it is Owen's! I get the most joy when he is happy and his laugh can make any day brighter by far.

    So, to answer your question, I have a lot of the same favorite sounds as you!! Love you and miss you all the time!
