Saturday, February 27, 2010

Fashion Friday (Posted on Saturday)

I know this is a wimpy first post for this week, but in a round-about way, it was a request. I promise that the "Fashion Fridays" to come will be much more exciting.

The Knot Bow Tutorial

Fold the ribbon over four times and then gather it in the middle.

Stick a needle and thread through the center of the gathered area.

Begin wrapping the thread around the gathered area very tightly.

After you have wrapped the thread several times, put the needle back through the area. This will secure the thread that you have just wrapped around. Tie the thread off.

Take a different piece of ribbon and tie a loose knot. Ribbed ribbon about 1/2 inch wide will work best.

The finished knot will look something like this.

Hot glue the base of the knot to the bow.
Put hot glue on the clip. Then place the bow on the hot glue. I used a piece of paper to keep the hot glue from sticking to the bottom of the clip. The final step to wrap the pieces of the knotted ribbon around the top of the clip and secure them with hot glue.

Here is a picture of the finished product.


  1. Amy! You are so talented. Thanks for the tutorial.... just in case I may get a girl... someday!

  2. Carrie, I promise their will be some boy stuff to come too!

  3. I am positive Dorsi will be so very thankful for this!!! Thanks so much :)

  4. And, will you both please tell me why on earth you are up so stinkin' early on a Saturday???
