Friday, May 7, 2010

Fashion Friday - Home Edition

Here are my latest projects...just in time for Mother's Day and gifts for Mini's "Nana" and great grandmothers. I still have one left to make, but it can wait a while as Mini's other grandmother is out of the country. If you would like your very own silhouette pillow, you can go HERE to learn how.

All three of them have different fabrics!

A close up.

I LOVE this color...this is my mom's or Mini's "Nana."

I also love the yummy fabric on the back of the pillow.


  1. Um, I don't want to make this because it would turn out awful!!! But, I would love it if you could make some for me, maybe at Christmas time??? I LOVE this idea and you did a great job ;)

  2. I sure will...just tell me colors and send me a profile picture! This might be a great gift for G-ma too...maybe with both grandchildren!

  3. I love this idea. You are so crafty!!!
