Monday, May 17, 2010

Mother of the Year Monday

So it has been a while since I've had one of these posts, but this situation warranted "Mother of the Year" status. Last week, Mini ate some paper so I asked her to open up and spit it was then that I noticed how incredibly large her tonsils were. Will looked and thought they were huge too, but Mini had no other symptoms: no fever, no complaints, no loss of appetite, no moodiness, or irrability...NOTHING! Saturday, her eyes were gunky, which was no surprise because she had a runny nose. That night we went see our good friends, Robert and Kim's new beautiful house and then went to dinner afterwards. I asked Kim, who is a nurse at Mini's doctor's office to peak at her tonsils and she was equally shocked at their size and couldn't believe that Mini actually ate her dinner...yes, they were/are that big. Today we went to the doctor more for my sake, because Mini still only had the enlarged tonsils, runny nose, and gunky eyes...NO FEVER! The doctor was also equally as impressed with the size of Mini's tonsils! The verdict is...double ear infections and a bad case of strep throat. There is no telling how many kids Mini infected at daycare, so for that, I am very sorry...I really had NO idea!

So my new note to self is when my child's tonsils are the size of small golf balls, touching, and the uvula can barely be is probably strep, even without any other symptoms! This note is in addition to the previous note that when Mini says "boo-boo" numerous times, she should be taken to the Emergency Department at the nearest hospital.


  1. She is tough!!! I can't believe she wasn't even complaining or anything. By the way, I love Kim. She is so sweet!

  2. Oh dear!!! She is one tough cookie, isn't she?! She definitely isn't very good about letting you know something is up, that is for sure!!! Sorry she is sick again :( Miss ya!!
